Wednesday, October 3, 2012

When Everything Goes Wrong, Trust Me

When many things seem to be going wrong, trust Me. When your life feels increasingly out of control, thank Me. These are supernatural responses, and they can lift you above your circumstances. If you do what comes naturally in the face of difficulties, you may fall prey to negativism. Even a few complaints can set you on a path that is a downward spiral, by darkening your perspective and mind-set. With this attitude controlling you, complaints flow more and more readily from your mouth. Each one moves you steadily down the slippery spiral. The lower you go, the faster you slide; but it is still possible to apply brakes. Cry out to Me in My Name! Affirm your trust in Me, regardless of how you feel. Thank Me for everything, though this seems unnatural—even irrational. Gradually you will begin to ascend, recovering your lost ground.

When you are back on ground level, you can face your circumstances from a humble perspective. If you choose supernatural responses this time—trusting and thanking Me—you will experience My unfathomable Peace.
But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation.- PSALM 13:5 
Always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.- EPHESIANS 5:20

Have you ever had a really good day, then someone says one negative comment about something and suddenly you, too, are on a downward spiral of negative comments? Or have you yourself had a negative comment that slips out when you open your mouth, sparking a whole new conversation about how you dislike a certain circumstance or person? We have ALL been in a position when we are talking negatively about something and it brings down our whole day. Our mood changes, our posture changes and our reflection as a child of God changes.

STOP! Ask God to change your devil-ish thoughts. Pray for His guidance and for Him to direct your mind to another place. We must learn to control what comes out of our mouths by giving it to God before it is spoken. This is not something that will just happen over night. It will be a process to get yourself to consciously think, "Will this positively affect my image of God, furthering His kingdom?" , before you speak a negative comment. Pray for His power over your thoughts. Then thank Him. Thank God for the peace He will grace your mind and mouth and the humbleness you will feel over your life.

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