Thursday, October 18, 2012

Keep your Eyes on Me

Go gently through this day, keeping your eyes on Me. I will open up the way before you, as you take steps of trust along your path. Sometimes the way before you appears to be blocked. If you focus on the obstacle or search for a way around it, you will probably go off course. Instead, focus on Me, the Shepherd who is leading you along your life-journey. Before you know it, the “obstacle” will be behind you and you will hardly know how you passed through it.

That is the secret of success in My kingdom. Although you remain aware of the visible world around you, your primary awareness is of Me. When the road before you looks rocky, you can trust Me to get you through that rough patch. My Presence enables you to face each day with confidence.
“I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me—just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for the sheep.”- JOHN 10:14–15
The path of the righteous is level; O upright One, you make the way of the righteous smooth.- ISAIAH 26:7

It is hard to stay focused on God when we live in a world that is constantly throwing things at us as a distraction. We can get so wrapped up in what we are doing here on this earth that we forget what we really need to do, further the kingdom of God by helping those in need. Obstacles are constantly going to be popping up in our lives, so we need to be prepared a head of time. Study God's word, ask Him for guidance and listen to what He tells you. When we do these things, we will over come those obstacles before we know it, moving on to bigger and better things!

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